Hands-On Locksmith Training at Butchart Gardens

Hands-On Locksmith Training at Butchart Gardens: Day 1 Highlights: “I had one of the most unique locations to conduct a Hands-On Locksmith Class: the breathtaking Butchart Gardens set the stage for an unforgettable hands-on locksmith training session. With its stunning natural beauty and a unique setting by a handmade, hand-carved carousel, this four-day workshop offered […]

2023 Hands-On Locksmith Class Langley BC

2023 Hands-on Locksmith Class | Mr. Locksmith™ Upcoming Classes in LANGLEY, BRITISH COLUMBIA CANADA May 23-26, 2023 (Tuesday to Friday, 10am – 3pm) email: [email protected] June 12-15, 2023 (Monday to Thursday, 10am – 3pm) July 10-13, 2023 (Monday to Thursday, 10am – 3pm) Sept 18-21, 2023 (Monday to Thursday, 10am – 3pm) Oct 23-26, 2023 (Monday to Thursday, […]

Top 10 Locksmith Tools for the Beginner Locksmith

Top 10 Locksmith tools for the beginner locksmith by Mr. Locksmith. Locksmith Tweezers: Special Tweezer with the ends rounded to hold pins. Follower: HPC 4 pc follower set to remove plug from cylinder. End Cap Removal Tool: You can use an awl, ice pick or pick but the end cap tool makes the job easy. […]

Vancouver 4 Days Hands-on Insitutional Locksmith Training | Mr. Locksmith

Vancouver 4 Days Hands-on Insitutional Locksmith Training | Mr. Locksmith To Sign-up for The Professional Certificate in Institutioinal Locksmithing go to Mr. Locksmith Training. The Hands-on and On-line Professional Insitutional Locksmith course provides you with a comprehensive knowledge of Insitutional Locks. 4 Days Hands-on Locksmith Training: Vancouver BC. May 8-11, 2017 – Monday to Thursday (10am-3pm) […]