Delta Police Crime Map June 2014 Break and Enters Concentrated in North Delta

Delta Police Crime Map June 2014 Break and Enters Concentrated in North Delta.

Delta Police have an operating budget of $32+ Million per year and have over 170 Police Officers and 75 Civilian Staff members serving the Delta population of 101,300. Officer to Citizen ratio is 1:652 and is close to the BC Provincial average of 1:520.

The crime rate is 54 per 1,000 population, the Lower Mainland  rate is 72 per 1,000 population. Note: The City of Surrey is the highest at 91 and West Vancouver the lowest at 35.

Source: BC Government, Ministry of Justice.

Researching several Delta Police Crime Maps most of the Property Offences, Assaults, Break and Enters, Theft of Vehicles, Theft from Vehicles and Property Offences are concentrated in North Delta.


Delta Police Crime Map B&E June 2014

Delta Police Crime Map B&E June 2014

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